D3 Brightlab, a powerful engine for your ideas

What we do

Creation of the brand identity

Creation of the logo and of the entire visual identity of the project.

Website project

Website design, maintenance and continual updating for up to two years after the project completion.

Social Media

Constant use of the main social media for continual information on research activities and related events.

Press releases

Creation of press releases on the main phases of the research and their transmission to the European media. Organisation of press conferences on the occasion of particular journalistic interest.


The animations, with their strong visual impact, are one of the strengths of communication through videos in every phase of the research.

Video dissemination

Design, filming and editing of videos on the main research phases to be used on the project website and at conferences.
The raw material is also made available to the Media who can use it for the editing of their services.
Video has proved to be a particularly effective means of capturing Media attention on the project but also to make it known to the general public through the Internet.
Suffice to say that today an average user spends 70% of their time in front of the computer watching videos.

And a good explanation is the basis of every success.

Dissemination plan

The dissemination activity should be scheduled at the time the project is presented because a good communication plan is considered favorably during the evaluation. Furthermore, only in this way is it possible to provide the dissemination with the necessary budget to reach its objectives.

Focus on your research, leaving the dissemination to our team of scientific journalists, designers, video editors and social media managers.

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